Adding Video to Maximize Your Reach and Exposure

July 6, 2010

– by Claudia Perez-Bonilla, Client Services Representative, Business Wire/Florida

On June 22nd, Business Wire Florida media luncheon attendees were able to partake in a lively discussion with video experts and marketing, PR and corporate communications professionals on the benefits of adding video to press releases to gain visibility and exposure.

Florida Media Luncheon Panelists

L-R: Rick Christie, Doug Perry, Pilar Portela, Rachel Toole

Hosted by JM Family Enterprises Inc., and moderated by Business Wire Media Relations Supervisor Pilar Portela, the panelists were:

  • Rick Christie, Breaking News Editor, The Palm Beach Post
  • Doug Perry, Executive Producer for Digital Content, WPBF-TV
  • Rachel Toole, Sales & Marketing Manager, MEDIAmobz

With the topic more timely than ever — video press releases having a 300% message retention rate and 500% more views than text-only releases — our panelists discussed video trends, tips on how to get started using video and how to make the best use of your FLIP camera.

Trends show an upswing in the use of video not only for traditional press releases, but also to promote:

  • Upcoming events
  • Testimonials
  • New Product Launches
  • Company Profiles

Rick Christie of The Palm Beach Post noted the “3 must-haves” for a successful video campaign.  The clip must be:

  1. Interesting
  2. Relevant
  3. Important

He also advises to go to a media point’s Facebook/YouTube page or follow them on Twitter to get an idea of the type of video they prefer and are most likely to use.

When asked for tips on creating video, all the panelists agreed:

  • Target an audience/know your demographics.
  • The video must have a message/tell a story.
  • Keep it brief (2 minutes is optimal).
  • Keep it real.
  • Don’t make it purely product based advertising.

MEDIAmobz Sales & Marketing Manager Rachel Toole added further to the discussion by noting that using video is:

  • Cost Effective:  the footage/material can be repurposed.
  • Improves SEO:  video is more prevalent in search engine results (i.e.  Google).
  • Good for increasing your ROI.
  • Visually engaging.

Doug Perry of WPBF-TV shared how their newsroom is a “Next Generation” newsroom. As part of a Hearst Television Inc. initiative, news reporters were outfitted with Blackberrys that can shoot video, and laptops that can live stream.  Doug advised that when including video for media usage:

  1. Content is critical.
  2. Give users a reason to click on the URL.  Don’t simply state “click here.”
  3. When shooting video, zoom with your feet.  Get close to the action.
Janice Essick and Mark Sell

Florida Regional Manager Janice Essick with FLIP camera raffle winner Mark Sell

During the media luncheon, an Ultra FLIP Video camera was raffled off. One lucky audience member, Mark Sell of the Miami agency Wragg & Casas, won the camera. Mark is already using his FLIP for client interviews.  In regard to tips for using the popular FLIP, our experts recommend:

  • When filming, be as close to the subject as possible.
  • Do not use high contrast.
  • Remember to also post on your company’s Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accounts.

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