Business Wire at CMW2014: It’s All About the Visuals

September 4, 2014

by Phil Dennison, Senior Marketing Specialist

It’s after Labor Day, which can only mean one thing. Well, two things: No more wearing white shoes, and it’s time for another Content Marketing World!

Business Wire is proud to be a sponsor and exhibitor for the second year in a row (and we’ve attended all five CMWs so far). We’ll be there at Booth 46 & 47 to show you the latest tools for featuring and distributing your content: The News Capsule and Picture Capsule.

Capsules are self-contained, embeddable packages of content with your press release, photos, videos, links and other supporting media that travel across paid, earned, shared and owned media. They help you to present your content in the most effective way: visually and interactively. And it really is all about visuals and interactivity. Why do we say that? Well, check it:

  • According to the Social Science Research Network, 65% of people are classified as “visual learners.” Audiences absorb visual elements in one-one thousandth of a second, far faster than they do text; and visual learners find pictures, illustrations and other such content key to absorbing new information.
  • 73% of journalists who responded to our recent Media Survey stated that photographs are their most preferred asset to accompany a press release. Why not make sure they get those photos right along with the rest of your content?



  • Every piece of content in a Capsule is interactive and measurable, giving you an opportunity to see what pieces of your content plan are the most successful.

What type of content do you see the most in your Facebook timeline? Do you see walls of text? Or do you see pictures, videos, meme images and other types of visual content? In social media, and particularly on mobile, visuals rule.

Think about your own successful campaigns – press releases, emails, ads, social promotions, etc. What draws the eyes in heat maps? What gets the clicks? Chances are it’s the compelling visual. I don’t know about you, but the email campaigns I subscribe to almost always catch me with a snazzy photo. And our own research shows that press releases with accompanying visuals get far more clicks – anywhere from 5% to 20% more.

So that’s what we’ll be emphasizing at Content Marketing World: How to increase impact and ROI of your news and branded content with interactive visuals, how to produce them, how to share them, and how to measure their success. Make sure you stop by our booth to see what we can do for you and your content. And to sweeten the pot, we’ll be giving away one of these to one lucky person:



A GoPro Hero3 White Edition, for you to create your own compelling visuals for business, in your personal life, on the go or wherever! But you have to stop by our booth to enter to win, so we’ll see you there! Meanwhile, let us help you plan your Cleveland visit with this guide to restaurants, landmarks and other sights to see!

Want to learn more about Capsules? Drop us a line below and we’ll be in touch!